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Integrated Extensions

RokSprocket Extension (J2.5 Only)

RokSprocket is a revolutionary new Joomla 2.5 only extension that has been designed to replace a variety of our existing ‘content’ modules. These include RokStories, RokTabs, RokNewsPager, RokNewsflash, RokMicronews, and basically any module in the RT arsenal that manipulates and displays articles.

  • Revolutionary UI
    Impressive User Interface and a stunning new compound filter system
  • Powerful Filter
    Filtered articles are retrieved instantly via Ajax and can be sorted by sort rules
  • Various Content Providers
    Supports data source from default Joomla content, K2, Seblod and Zoo
  • Multiple Layout Types
    Layout-configurable set of parameters that can be used to override specific items

RokSprocket follows RokGallery’s revolutionary approach to UI and implements a stunning new compound filter system.

NOTE: RokSprocket extension is only available for Joomla 2.5


Revolutionary Interface and Stunning Filter System Based on OS X’s Finder

RokSprocket Revolutionary User Interface
RokSprocket Pick Your Provider
RokSprocket Pick Your Layout Type

RokSprocket Select Individual Article
RokSprocket Build Crazy Compound Filters
RokSprocket See Live Ajax-Based Results

RokSprocket Choose Images Source
RokSprocket Quick Access to Article Details
RokSprocket Various Layout Parameters

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